It would be fair say that poker tournaments can be notoriously unpredictable, with luck often playing a key role in the eventual outcome.

For players in emerging gaming destinations such as the Middle East, cash games offer a viable alternative to the cut and thrust of tournaments.

Skill undoubtedly has a greater influence in cash games, which makes them an enticing proposition for players who visit the best Arab casinos online.

With that in mind, read on as we assess why cash games are so attractive and the strategies to employ if you decide to head down this route.

Introducing Poker Cash Games

While tournaments operate under structured rules and time limits, cash games have no designated start or stop time. Players can join or leave the table whenever they want.

The amount of money players can bet is as little or as much as the table allows. Some cash games allow players to enter with a deep-stack, which can be advantageous.

However, having more chips can add pressure to each decision. Players must consider their poker strategy all the way to the river with a deep stack at risk.

Cash games are all about value, but that doesn’t make them any easier. Choosing bet sizes is trickier when you are operating with a deep stack.

Factors such as the independent chip model (ICM), which shows the difference in the value of a chip at different stages of the game, are worth incorporating into your cash game strategy.

Tips for Cash Game Success

Cash games can be dangerous for poker players prone to tilt, so here are some key tips that could be the difference between success and failure on the table.

Be Mindful of Your Position

Understanding your position on the table is arguably the most important strategy you can learn in poker, and it becomes even more crucial in deep-stack games.

Being out of position is always a massive disadvantage if you are not short-stacked because it allows your opponent enough time to gauge your decision and make a play based on yours.

In a game of incomplete information, that extra bit of time makes all the difference, and it’s even more dangerous when you are playing with a deep stack, so play with caution if you’re in an early position.

The rules of position are simple. Being in a late position gives you a significant advantage because you get to observe the actions of your opponent before making a decision.

It also works the other way around. Playing out of position puts you at a disadvantage because it limits your ability to control the hand.

Avoid Open Limping

One of poker legend Daniel Negreanu’s key tips is to avoid open limping pre-flop. 

Calling the big blind without raising is a common mistake among players who are new to poker because they like to see as many flops as possible.

However, such a move is considered a passive play, and it makes you look weak. When opponents smell weakness, they are inclined to pounce and exploit your position. A better way would be to take the initiative by raising pre-flop. 

There is more benefit to being the aggressor as it allows you to dictate the pace of the hand and potentially win pots post-flop - which would not happen if you had limped in.

Manage Your Stack Wisely & Exploit Weakness

Maintaining a healthy stack size is key to maximising your potential earnings in cash games.

If you are the best player at the table, keep your stack close to the maximum buy-in to increase your chances of winning as many chips as possible when the opportunity presents itself.

If you feel outmatched, buy-in for the minimum to reduce your exposure to high-risk situations.

Some players are guilty of letting their stacks dwindle until the real money value is near-insignificant, which pushes them to make bad decisions like pulling back or busting.

If you keep your stack at a healthy size, you can prevent this leak.

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